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A Place To Bury Strangers – Synthesizer Cassette

A Place To Bury Strangers – Synthesizer Cassette

A Place To Bury Strangers – Synthesizer Cassette

17,90 + poštovné
Včetně DPH 25.5 %


Očekává se přijetí dalších 4.10.2024
Přibližně 7 - 50 den/dní od objednávky. Spolehlivost odhadu je dobrá.

Skladová dostupnost
Chci dostat upozornění, až bude produkt znovu skladem.

Popis produktu

A Place To Bury Strangers – Synthesizer

Shell Color Black With Silver Ink On Cover

Synthesizer is the title of A Place to Bury Strangers' seventh album. It is also a physical entity, a synthesizer made specifically for A Place to Bury Strangers’ seventh album. Synthesizer is a record that celebrates sounds that are spontaneous and natural, the kind of music that can only come from collaboration and community. It now features a fully collaborative new lineup, with John and Sandra Fedowitz. That spirit of reinvention is all over the record.  Synthesizer is out October 4, 2024 -- only on Dedstrange.



Label: Dedstrange
Released: 2024

Přibližná velikost zabaleného produktu nebo prodejního obalu je 150 x 130 x 20 mm.

0,1 kg
(spolu s prodejním obalem 0,2 kg)

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