Transformers One is the 2024 animated science fiction action blockbuster and the latest theatrical release in the Transformers franchise. The film tells the untold origin story of Optimus Prime and Megatron, better known as sworn enemies, but once were friends bonded like brothers who changed the fate of Cybertron forever. Transformers One is the first-ever fully CG-animated Transformers movie and features a star-studded voice cast, including Chris Hemsworth, Brian Tyree Henry, Scarlett Johansson, Keegan-Michael Key, Steve Buscemi with Laurence Fishburne, and Jon Hamm.
Transformers One is available as a 2LP limited edition of 750 numbered copies on yellow coloured vinyl and includes a 4-page booklet.
1. Transformers One Theme
2. Birth of the Primes
3. Orion Pax
4. Destiny of the Primes
5. Transform the Dark
6. Metal to the Pedal
1. Memory of the Forgotten
2. The Contenders
3. Trespaxxing
4. More Than Meets the Eye
5. Escape to the Surface
6. Resting Place of the Primes
7. The Ultimate Betrayal
1. Echelon Now
2. New Cog Potential
3. Alpha's Orders
4. Hidden Truth
5. Starscream
6. Sealed Fate
7. Together as One
1. Coming of the Guard
2. The Battle for Cybertron
3. Prime Reason
4. The Fall
5. Battle of the Titans
6. I Am Optimus Prime
7. Transformers One End Title
Label: Music On Vinyl
Released: 2024/2025