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Everything But The Girl – Fuse CD

Everything But The Girl – Fuse CD

17,90 + szállítási költségek
Az ár tartalmazza az ÁFÁ-t 24 %


Várható szállítási határidő 7 - 50 nap(ok).
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Everything But The Girl – Fuse 

4-panel Digipak with booklet 

Everything But The Girl will release a new album, Fuse, in April.

The band were formed in 1982 by singer-songwriter-musicians Tracey Thorn and Ben Watt EBTG released 11 albums between 1984 and 1999, achieving global success with the Todd Terry remix of their 1994 single Missing.

The new studio album is their first in over 23 years and you can preview 'Nothing Left to Lose' above.

1. Nothing Left To Lose
2. Run A Red Light
3. Caution To The Wind
4. When You Mess Up
5. Time and Time Again
6. No One Knows We’re Dancing
7. Lost
8. Forever
9. Interior Space
10. Karaoke

Label: Buzzin’ Fly
Released: 2023

Becsült csomagolt méret vagy a csomagolási egység becsült értéke 150 x 130 x 20 mm.

0,1 kg
(csomagolással együtt 0,2 kg)

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Everything But The Girl - Nothing Left To Lose