Following the Q4 2024 ‘Bolan Boogie’ definitive hits package, Demon Records are thrilled to present a companion piece in the form of ‘Bolan B-Sides’, a brand-new collection of B-sides and bonus tracks from T. Rex’s hit-packed 1972-1977 period.
Before Marc Bolan’s untimely passing in 1977, T. Rex were a cultural phenomenon that defined a generation. The fervour even earned its own name:
"Trextasy," a frenzy not seen since the height of Beatlemania.
Hidden away on the flips to some of the band’s era-defining singles, were some of Bolan’s most captivating musical moments. The 27-track ‘Bolan B-Sides’ brings them together, representing an alternative journey from ‘Telegram Sam’ to ‘Celebrate Summer’.
Despite their flipside positions, many of the tracks included might easily have been hit singles in their own right. Among the many, we’re talking ‘Cadilac’,‘Thunderwing’, ‘Jitterbug Love’, ‘Lady’, a newly discovered single mix of ‘Born To Boogie’ and ‘Sunken Rags’. The collection also features vocal contributions from Gloria Jones, adding a soulful allure to some tracks.
CD ONE VOLUME 1: 1972 – 1973
Baby Strange
Jitterbug Love
Sunken Rags
Born To Boogie (single mix)
Free Angel
Sitting Here
Squint Eye Mangle
CD TWO VOLUME 2: 1974-1977
Satisfaction Pony
Explosive Mouth
Space Boss
Chrome Sitar
Do You Wanna Dance?
Dock of the Bay
Solid Baby
Baby Boomerang
Life’s An Elevator
All Alone
Groove A Little
Tame My Tiger
Ride My Wheels
To Know You Is To Love You
City Port
Label: Demon Music
Released: 2025