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George Michael – Careless Whisper EP (40th Anniversary) 12" Picture Disc

George Michael – Careless Whisper EP (40th Anniversary) 12" Picture Disc

George Michael – Careless Whisper EP (40th Anniversary) 12" Picture Disc

32,90 + poštovné
Vrátane DPH 25.5 %


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George Michael – Careless Whisper (40th Anniversary) 

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the release of George Michael's beloved iconic masterpiece 'Careless Whisper', the 'Careless Whisper EP' is released. The 'Careless Whisper EP' features a previously unreleased live recording of the timeless hit performed at New York City's illustrious Madison Square Garden during George's electrifying concert on July 23, 2008. July 23, 2008. The recording features his historic reunion performance with a New York audience after an astonishing 17-year hiatus. It was part of his monumental 25Live tour, a global phenomenon that sold out arenas and stadiums and captivated more than 1.3 million fans around the world.


1. Careless Whisper (Remastered)
2. Careless Whisper (Extended Mix)
3. Careless Whisper (Live From Madison Square Garden)  - PREVIOUSLY UNRELEASED
4. Careless Whisper (Instrumental)

Label: Sony Music
Released: 1984/2024

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George Michael - Careless Whisper (Official Video)